James Baldwin's America
James Baldwin was one of the most important writers and activists of the 20th century. In James Baldwin's America, Jesse James will discuss the importance of Baldwin's work in our current social and political climate. Baldwin's reach in society was far and wide, and to gain a complete picture of Baldwin a variety of subjects will be continually addressed including music, religion, and the world Baldwin struggled against daily for over 60 years.
Podcasting since 2020 • 20 episodes
James Baldwin's America
Latest Episodes
James Baldwin, America, and the Presidential Election
Jesse spends this week previewing the upcoming Presidential election in America and playing some clips of Baldwin talking about America, hope, and progress.You can also make a donation to Jesse and the show via PayPal at: Baldwins.Ameri...
Season 1
Episode 19

James Baldwin and A Talk to Teachers Part 2
Jesse talks about the upcoming presidential election in the United States and how the outcome needs to unify us regardless of who holds office. He then dives back into Baldwin's essay, 'A Talk to Teachers' and how and why it is still so relevan...
Season 1
Episode 18

James Baldwin, A Talk to Teachers, and a Microphone
This week Jesse talks about Baldwin's essay, 'A Talk to Teachers' and the relevance it still holds to this day. He then uses his platform (microphone) to discuss the burden of being Black that children in this country face at far too y...
Season 1
Episode 17

James Baldwin, Solomon Roller, and the Creative Process for a Dancer
Jesse is joined this week by dancer Solomon Roller. The two discuss The Fire Next Time, growing up in a bi-racial family, the importance of finding 'a tribe,' dancing as freedom, and happiness. Jesse then talks about a Baldwi...
Season 1
Episode 16

James Baldwin, Black Creativity and Film with Bre Dioni
Jesse is joined by writer and filmmaker, Bre Dioni. The two discuss how adversity affects creativity, being Black in Wisconsin, and film. Jesse then talks about his new Patreon Page for the podcast as well as the songs of the week and an import...
Season 1
Episode 15